Recente Wijzigingen - Zoek:







这个页面提供了更多有效的PmWiki支持的Markup标记列表。 如果你需要使用,请往下看。




Words on two lines in a row will wrap and fill as needed (the normal XHTML behavior). To turn off the automatic filling, use the (:linebreaks:) directive above the paragraph.

  • 在一行结尾插入\ (一个反斜杠) 可以将当前行加入到下一节。
  • 在一行结尾插入\\ (两个反斜杠)强制换一行。
  • 在一行结尾插入\\\ (三个反斜杠)强制换两行。
  • 使用[[<<]]插入一个可以清空浮动元素的换行。

缩进段落 (Quotes)(引用)



使用(-<)可以减小段落缩进,更上面一个刚好相反,越多的破折号(像这样---<) 缩进也越小。示例:

-<Four score and seven years ago our fathers placed upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 
Four score and seven years ago our fathers placed upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
--<Four score and seven years ago our fathers placed upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.  And that food would be good too.
Four score and seven years ago our fathers placed upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. And that food would be good too.

Blocks of text to which (:linebreaks:) has been applied can be indented by preceding the first line of the block with indention arrows (->) and aligning subsequent lines under the first. An unindented line stops the block indentation. See Cookbook:Markup Tricks for an example.



* First-level list item
** Second-level list item
### Order this
#### And this (optional)
### Then this
** Another second-level item
* A first-level item: cooking
## Prepare the experiment
### Unwrap the pop-tart
### Insert the pop-tart into the toaster
## Begin cooking the pop tart
## Stand back
  • First-level list item
    • Second-level list item
      1. Order this
        1. And this (optional)
      2. Then this
    • Another second-level item
  • A first-level item: cooking
    1. Prepare the experiment
      1. Unwrap the pop-tart
      2. Insert the pop-tart into the toaster
    2. Begin cooking the pop tart
    3. Stand back
# A list is terminated
by the first line that is not a list.
# Also terminate a list using the escape sequence [@[==]@]
# Continue a list item by lining
  up the text with leading whitespace.
# Use a forced linebreak \\
  to force a newline in your list item.
  1. A list is terminated

by the first line that is not a list.

  1. Also terminate a list using the escape sequence [==]

  1. Continue a list item by lining up the text with leading whitespace.
  2. Use a forced linebreak
    to force a newline in your list item.
## Text between list items can cause numbering to restart
## %item value=3% this can be dealt with
  1. Text between list items can cause numbering to restart
  2. this can be dealt with



这是一个很有用的* 新功能
When you define terms using this markup
PmWiki will recognize them as PageTextVariables?
that you can use on any page or PageList?.
* Added in PmWiki version 2.2.0

Definition lists are made by placing colons at the left margin (and between each term and definition):



Whitespace indentation in lists. Any line that begins with whitespace and aligns with a previous list item (whether bulleted, numbers or definitional) is considered to be "within" that list item. Text folds and wraps as normal, and the (:linebreaks:) directive is honored.

# First-level item\\
  Whitespace used to continue item on a new line
# Another first-level item
  # Whitespace combined with a single # to create a new item one level deeper
  1. First-level item
    Whitespace used to continue item on a new line
  2. Another first-level item
    1. Whitespace combined with a single # to create a new item one level deeper

Otherwise, lines that begin with whitespace are treated as preformatted text, using a monospace font and not generating linebreaks except where explicitly indicated in the markup. Note to administrators: Starting with version 2.2.0-beta41, this feature can be modified using $EnableWSPre. (Another way to create preformatted text blocks is by using the [@...@] markup.)




  • Enclose text in doubled single-quotes (''text''), i.e., two apostrophes, for emphasis (usually italics)
  • Enclose text in tripled single-quotes ('''text'''), i.e. three apostrophes, for strong (usually bold)
  • Enclose text in five single-quotes ('''''text'''''), or triples within doubles (five apostrophes), for strong emphasis (usually bold italics)
  • Enclose text in doubled at-signs (@@text@@) for monospace text
  • Use [+large+] for large text, [++larger++] for larger, [-small-] for small text, and [--smaller--] for smaller.
  • Emphasis can be used multiple times within a line, but cannot span across markup line boundaries (i.e., you can't put a paragraph break in the middle of bold text).
  • '~italic~' and '*bold*' are available if enabled in config.php


'+大字体+', '-小字体-', '^上标^', '_下标_', 



大字体, 小字体, 上标, 下标,



  • `WikiWord WikiWord neutralisation



  • 在页面名前后像这样 [[text formatting rules]] 增加两个方括号可以创建一个链接。
  • On some PmWiki installations, capitalized words joined together (e.g., WikiWords) can also be used to make references to other pages without needing the double-brackets.
  • 以"http:", "ftp:", "gopher:", "mailto:",或"news:" 开头的URLs地址会像 这样自动显示为链接。
  • URLs地址中以.gif, .jpg.png 结尾的图片链接会直接显示图片。
  • Links with arbitrary text can be created as either [[target | text]] or [[text -> target]]. Text can be an image URL, in which case the image becomes the link to the remote url or WikiWord.
  • 给页面增加锚点请使用[[#target]]



插入标题,在标题前使用感叹号(!) 。详细如下:

!! 标题2
!!! 标题3
!!!! 标题4
!!!!! 标题5






详见:Cookbook:Numbered Headers


任何在[= 和=]中的内容都会被直接显示,但是段落是被重新格式化的。

要插入一段格式化过的文本内容,请在内容前后使用[@...@] 标记。它既不处理文本(通常是一段代码)中的内容,也不会重新格式化它。示例:

'$CurrentTime $[by] $AuthorLink:  [=$ChangeSummary=]'; #前面是代码,我是人见人爱的注释
'$CurrentTime $[by] $AuthorLink:  [=$ChangeSummary=]'; #前面是代码,我是人见人爱的注释

The multiline [@...@] is a block markup, and in order to change the styling of these preformatted text blocks, you need to apply a "block" WikiStyle.

%block blue%[@ 
  The font color of 
  this text is blue
  The font color of 
  this text is blue

It is also useful to use [= =] within other wiki structures, as this enables the inclusion of new lines in text values. The example below shows how to include a multi-line value in a hidden form field.

(:input hidden message "[=Line1


使用 (:一些注释内容:) 添加注释。



表格中,一个单元格前后用两个竖线('||')包裹起来。 A cell with leading and trailing spaces is centered; a cell with leading spaces is right-aligned; all other cells are left-aligned. An empty cell will cause the previous cell to span multiple columns. (There is currently no mechanism for spanning multiple rows.) A line beginning with '||' specifies the table attributes for subsequent tables. A '!' as the first character in a cell provides emphasis that can be used to provide headings.

||border=1 width=50%
||!左边   || 中             || 右边||
||石头    ||!  大剪刀       ||   布||
||        || 中间是一位天使 ||     ||
||        || 合并一列       ||||




Bewerk - Geschiedenis - Afdrukken - Recente Wijzigingen - Zoek
Pagina laatst gewijzigd op 04 April 2018 om 09:46