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Here are a few sites that are using PmWiki to successfully meet their web needs (also see references, PmWiki Users, PmWiki Friendly Hosting?).

Have your own success story to share? Add it below! (Did PmWiki not work for you? Add it to Failure Stories!)

This list is sorted alphabetically, please add your site accordingly.

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ


Attach:175g-ru.jpg is intended to collect and structure experience of Russian-speaking Ultimate frisbee players.

The personal website of Petko?, the core developer of PmWiki (in French; some sections are password-protected).


Aardwolf MUD

Aardwolf is a large multiplayer game online since 1996 with hundreds of commands and player abilities.

PMWiki has been a fantastic tool for organizing our game data and allowing players to share information with others.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Blog
  • Calendar
  • Joins with Zen Cart site
  • Design by Silverflux Design

Abundant Life Farm, Middletown, NY

Offers childrens programs, harvest and other festivals, biodynamic spraying services and now localvore farm product delivery service (via ZenCart) to drop-off points in the region.

AI Topics

AITopics is a virtual library of resources for students, teachers, journalists, and everyone who would like to learn about artificial intelligence. By offering a limited number of exemplary, non-technical resources that we have organized and annotated, AI Topics seeks to provide visitors with meaningful access to basic, understandable information about AI.

AITopics uses PMWiki to organize, and archive content, as well as to facilitate working in an environment with many editors.

Amnesty International Germany

Attach:amnesty_germany_groupshot.jpg Amnesty International Germany is using pmwiki in various ways within the organization successfully for the last three years. It is in use on about 100 websites of regional groups of activists. The organization therefor created an easy to install package that is also easy to maintain. This preconfigured package is updated every few weeks and has seen many updates by now. It cherrypicked recipes that are very useful for regional activists. The weblayout was designed by a professional design agency and implemented for pmwiki by volunteer activists.

Moreover pmwiki is used for the administration of the annual meeting of the whole organization in Germany.


Amok is an informal artists-run workshop, hackerspace & gallery based in Aarhus, Denmark.
PmWiki is the perfect choice for quick and collectively designed, organic website.

Attach:ApfelWikiSShot.png Apfelwiki is a german project trying to build up a reference about working with Apple Computer like a large FAQ. The only way to let the user create their own pages was a wiki. But we won't have the same "old fashioned" wiki-look. So we decided to take pmwiki. It's a powerful wiki and with css we made a modern layout. Last but not least pmwiki is very easy to handle.

Association pour les échanges non-marchands et la culture libre (ANOMALI)

Anomali is a non profit organization which promotes non market economy and free culture. We developed a tool for network exchange with pmwiki.


The is a german/english self documentation site regarding the Audi 100 (type44, C4) and A6 cars. It's users have collected 500+ detailed topics explaining repairs and improvements covering almost every single aspect of the cars. (Body, paint, steering, engine and tuning, drivetrain, lighting, electronic motor management and so on).

First running PhpWiki it was sucessfully migrated to PmWiki 2.x and features a lot of the cockbook extensions to suit it's user's needs. Thanks so much for the well documented, easy to run and feature rich software, PmWiki has become!

Since 2021 the wiki software is a dockerized image public available on dockerhub. You can docker push lukystreik/volx-rz-pmwiki:tagname to use the latest secure maintained version for your own needs.

The OCI container is based on ubuntu:latest with nginx + security features / headers and php8

The github project for creating the pmwiki is located at

If you have any questions regarding the docker implementation feel free to contact me

Greetings @lukystreik (on twitter)

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Joins with OSTicket
  • dynamic content features
  • Design & logo by Eclectic Tech

Archutech Consulting, Bronx, NY

Archutech consulting offers PC and network services in NYC and Westchester, NY. Client wanted partial integration with OSTicket for clients to submit trouble tickets.

AzRepeaters.Net: Arizona Repeaters on 6, 2 , & 1.25 Meters 70, 33, & 23 Centimeters Bands (

In 2004, my brother Tom passed away in a tragic accident. His legacy included a sited dedicated to helping Hams in Arizona find repeaters in the state.
This is important as it is used by the Red Cross and other emergency agencies to help assist people in need.
Not being a Ham myself, I was faced with the daunting task of how to keep it going and allowing experts to keep the site up to date. The answer for me was found at a Northern Texas Linux Users Group meeting where Patrick Michaud talked about this great Wiki project he was heading up. I knew I had found the solution to keeping my brother's dream alive.
With the advanced tables function and some sed and grep scripts, I was able to quickly convert much of my brother's site over a weekend. It went live just before Labor Day 2005. I still have more work to do, but now, Arizona Hams and other Hams have the ability to keep the site up to date instantly.
Now I have many Hams who keep the site up for me without my having to directly make the edits myself as I did before I went Wiki. Apparently, according to one of my editors, he has become a celeb in the Ham community. And it is so easy for him to make edits too!


beckos Tabletop Site (

beckos Tabletop Site is a personal homepage about wargaming and miniature painting. Becky paints armies and dioramas since several years. The main tabletop systems on the site are Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Flames of War and Battlefleet Gothic. The Imperial Guard of Armageddon is the main project for the year 2009/10. Since the start of the website in 2005 PmWiki is the engine he uses to announce news and pictures about his hobby. Becko?

Jan Brejcha // Interaction design (

Jan Brejcha // Interaction design is a personal and professional homepage of an Interaction Design practitioner and lecturer. He creates web-sites using PmWiki as a CMS. Used PmWiki for the redesign of an HTML-based page enabling a more comfortable and faster content editing, multi-language support, Picasa web-gallery and global navigation. Author: JanBrejcha?

Bendigo Gliding Club (

Bendigo Gliding Club is a small community based gliding club in Victoria, Australia. Most of the club members are tech savvy spending all manner of time paying with fancy flying electronics and flight loggers, however, HTML, Javascript and web editing is a very different technical domain! PmWiki was the ideal solution for the club. It offered simple editing, version control and the ability to implement a password protected “members only” section. The key to PmWiki’s success is its separation of simplicity and power – that is power to the administrator and simplicity for the content authors. The administrators (the ones needing the power) are the tech guys at PaperCut Software who were kind enough to donate their server resources and time, and the authors are the “simpler” guys at the gliding club. (

Attach:bilder-gucken-net-screen.jpg This german website is about my offer of tarot readings. It is aimed at customers interested in getting a reading as well as people who wish to study the art and seek instructions. There is a list of services and a collection of my texts on tarot and divination. The site uses a slightly customized Not so simple? skin.

I'm using a wiki because I want to be able to easily update the site from everywhere. I selected PmWiki for it's great maintainability, it's small footprint and because it's really easy to customize. It was a breeze to set up all the features I want on the site. Thank you, Pm, for your work and thank you everyone for your contributions!

binaervarianz Kletterwiki

This german wiki focuses on sports- and mountain-climbing and adresses beginners as well as anyone interested in climbing at all. It lists and reviews climbing spots and halls in Germany and offers a place to meet and share experiences.

We used a wiki in general to be able to make adjustments to the pages even "on the road" from every computer without much effort or even html-knowledge. Also, as an open wiki, everybody should be able to add content to the site without worrying about how to do so. PMWiki was a slim and elegant way to get this, and we used it before as part of our main page, is a free website in pediatrics and neonatology for health care students and professionals, to access quick reviews, latest news, abstracts, audio-video content, clinical calculators and others. For more, visit

BU130 Trui

The Trui is an old dutch fishing ship completely restored and sailed by students of the Delft University of Technology. Here PmWiki is used as a base for the regular website and as a system to record all important data about the ship, her maintenance and an almanac of the waters she sails. Running a customised version of the Flexi skin, incorporating tabs and custom styles.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Member-only login area
  • MySQL database member logins
  • Business Directory
  • Calendar
  • Member profiles
  • Logo by Eclectic Tech

Business Exchange Network, Middletown, NY

This is a referral-based networking group in Orange County, NY. The website features per-member directory & category entries, and a networking calendar for both internal and external local events.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Member-only area with directory
  • Design ported

Middletown Business & Professional Women Club, Middletown, NY

I've just taken over as the website chairperson of the club, and the website has been ported, new features are being added.



A wiki site, set up and created for interns of The Cisco International Internship Program to share information and experiences.

Campusradio Jena - the local radio stations for the inhabitants of Jena produced by well motiated students

This website was created with the purpose to be easy maintain, migrate and to add the possibility to provide quickly new updates. This stub of the page was created with the blueprint css framework so the appearance is nearly the same in most browsers out there. Another important think was the integration of the mp3-files: For that I used the great Flash Media Player recipe?.

Of course, there are several other usefull recipes which are in usage:

Other things like webcam or playlist were directly integrated via plain html because the technology for this was already present

MatthiasGünther? April 05, 2010, at 08:39 AM

clockwise consulting

This website was created to simply display the ideas and concerns of this consulting firm based in Jena. Again the blueprint css framework was used to create the basic layout. There were no special recipes used and the bulk part of the work was spend in the navigation and clean structure of the website.

MatthiasGünther? November 07, 2010, at 6:30 PM

Ciessetrade (

Ciessetrade is a commercial homepage of a machine-tool trade company. It uses PmWiki as a back-end CMS. Used PmWiki for a more comfortable and faster content editing and global navigation. (Designer: Jan Brejcha). Author: JanBrejcha?

Classic Speculative Fiction (

It was a one-stop database of information about science fiction and fantasy stories, writers etc. I have expanded it somewhat to include all forms of speculative fiction (work in progress)

I got fed up of jumping from site to site to book to site etc. etc. to get information I wanted. So, starting with the books I have at home I started my database.

I have to admit though, I do use it to a certain experiment with what PmWiki can do (hence the numbers of changes and updates) and I am finding that I can do a lot more with PmWiki than I think is possible with software such as WordPress, which I also experimented with. {see also below]

I'm actually running 5 or 6 different websites now, all based on PmWiki. Just as an experiment, I attempted to use other systems just see how easy it would be. I have to admit that I have found that some of the things I do on and require of PmWiki, I have found very difficult to do, if not impossible. I cannot find a system as useful or indeed usable as this one for both local and online use in a variety of roles. ( )

Attach:clickmarlow.jpg Finally adopted PmWiki as the CMS of choice and to great effect. Once the templating system is mastered then quite sophisticated sites can be made. I love the speed, love the programmability and also to limit clients the use of just headline, bold and italic.

Congregation Bat-Tzion
A Messianic Jewish Congregation

Come and learn about Yeshua HaMashiach our Jewish Messiah and Son of Yahu'ah - who he really is and what he really came to do. Based upon the Jewish Bible and explained by Jewish descendants, these are many times contrary to what the world teaches. Come to a solid Biblical foundation of understanding which is not fettered by the ties of Talmudic teachings which sometimes stray from the Torah in understanding due to the commentary of men between the Houses of Hillel and Shammai, Constantine-style teachings which have infiltrated and corrupted the Messianic teachings with pagan practices, or any other ways and teachings that reach into the depths of Bavel (Babylon, also: confusion) or Mitzraim (Egypt, also: double-trouble).

"Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name? For you will know it..."
מִי הֵקִים כָּל-אַפְסֵי אָרֶץ; מַה שְּׁמוֹ וּמַה שֶּׁם בְּנוֹ, כִּי תֵדָע
Mishley (Proverbs) 30:4

The PmWiki project has been a wonderful tool of organization and framework of learning. The ease of multi-layered security structure and handling, as well as the ability to customize plug-ins or create specialized directives is just what was needed for a congregation to be fully dynamic and functional in the online world. The ability to customize CSS-loaded web-font kits and page document structures is truly remarkable in the way it assists to complete the feel of desired effects considering the times and information being addressed. The WebMaster of this site has truly not seen many other project forums that provide for the depth of detail, work-ability, configuration, and dynamic plug-in morphing structure that the PmWiki project provides.

Corpus Christi Downtown Management District

The Downtown Management District is a non-profit organization aimed at improving the quality of life in the downtown Corpus Christi. This site, after only 2 days, has generated a lot of enthusiatic support including an article in the city's newspaper. It addressed several issues that has hampered the growth of downtown including communication among members of the comunity and the DMD, housing and quality of life issues, arts, history and tourist information, as well as a voice for direction. We feel that the site is so well tailored to PmWiki and they agree!

Dawn Green, Thunder Data Systems, Inc

Corpus Christi International Competition For Piano And Strings, Inc.

Corpus Christi International Competition For Piano and Strings, Inc. is a widely recognized competition open to students of the piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass or harp who are under the age of 26. This small non-profit organization required a website they can update to distribute information to prospective participants. Within one day of the site going live, the President of the organization was making significant changes to the site. PmWiki wins again!

Corpus Christi Linux Users Group (

PmImg:2003/cclug-1.gif Prior to using PmWiki, the CCLUG web site was frequently out of date and difficult to update. All changes to the site had to be coordinated through the organization's webmaster, who was responsible for linking in new content and web pages (on a volunteer basis, of course). But with PmWiki, now all of CCLUG's members can participate in building the site! Visitors to the site can quickly find what's new via the site's RecentChanges page, and members can quickly and easily add new content. It's a whole new way for organizations to build and maintain web sites!

Corpus Christi Literary Reading Series

These clients wanted something that would allow them to have dialogue between members as well as promote future speakers. They also wanted a website that would allow them to be able to acquire more sponsors by having web page addition as part of their reportoire of marketing tactics for pursuing corporate sponsorship. Just so happened, Wiki fit the bill perfectly here too. Set them up, make sure they like the "design" of the site, get some initial information from them, then tutor them on how wiki works. Its a no lose situation, and is making web content addition for non-html'ers and even non computer people easy.

---Created by:The Webprose Team

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Custom registration form for seminars
  • Blog
  • Audio content
  • Design ported from A&E Advertising

Croll Organizing, LLC, Westtown, NY

Professional organizer and speaker, Cynthia Marsh-Croll wanted to be able to change her own content, and have new dynamic features added to her website. She eventually plans to sell audio or video seminars from her website.


Dausha Publications (

The official website of writer Ben Wilson, co-creator of the EverySpace milieu and Science Fiction novelist.

Dr Toolbox

Created and maintained by Petko?, the core developer of PmWiki. A platform and a mobile app in the UK helping medical professionals share practical information about their work locally, with their team in their hospital.

DST Output: Customer Systems

We've started using PmWiki to do organic documentation generation. It's been very useful in allowing a largish group of individuals to contribute to living documents. The benefit is that the live documentation is always up-to-date and no changes are ever lost, unlike email chains and word docs.

Online Dutch Grammar Course is a website for people who are studying Dutch. It has a grammar reference, exercises, audio files, a Learn Dutch podcast, and a forum. I wrote the original grammar reference in English and Dutch learners have been translating the pages into their own languages. I used to receive text documents, which took me ages to process. PmWiki made everything wonderfully easy. Translators can now log in and translate the pages without my intervention. I think PmWiki is a great CMS.

The tutorial for translators can be found here



ecologeenet is the starting point for ecologic - internet solutions. As the internet-based technology makes the fastest growing consumer of electric power worldwide, we have to develop different solutions to cut the www's energy consumption down. We all love the internet, but it turns out that we can harm ourself. PmWiki is the natural choice for a typical development environment for ideas and a spot where developers can easily meat each other.

ELLO (English Language and Linguistics Online) is a modular introductory courseware in English linguistics developed by a linguistic-department network of 4 German universities: Osnabrück, Hannover, Braunschweig and Göttingen. The website is designed as a study aid for undergraduate students of linguistics and consists of 15 modules covering courseware on general linguistics as well as on selected subfields.

Complex material is created and stored in a PmWiki which also allows the integration of interactive exercises and multimedia content, including audio and video material of all kinds. Prof. Dr. Alexander Bergs is the founding father and manager of ELLO

Look at:

Elysian Fields (

Elysian Fields is a play-by-post forum-based roleplaying game set in a vast, unique and original fantasy setting. We use PmWiki's software to host our static information so that our members can submit content and help develop and evolve the world in which we play. We're a fun and friendly community who just love to RP!

Encyclopédie du paranormal (

French encyclopedia dedicated to an objective and rigorous approach of paranormal phenomena, written by a small but competent team of editors. Includes picture and video galleries.


EmuWiki is a multilingual website dedicated to emulators.

They are special programs that emulate old computers, thus allowing our PC's to transform for example in a ZX Spectrum or a Commodore 64 all the time in which the emulator is running.

Everyspace Society (

E-Space is a firm-Science Fiction RPG setting, originally intended for the Fudge RPG gaming engine, but designed to allow players from other gaming systems enjoy. E-space seeks to cover the gambit of human interaction throughout outer space. We want to offer a solid enough framework to allow individual GMs and authors to create worlds and campaigns that integrate together, without stepping on anybody's toes too much.

E-Space includes a Lexicon game that was later published.

Explore Luxury (

The Explore Luxury site was created for people to search the luxury items on the internet directly from the designers and producers around the world. PmWiki is an excellent tool for that !!! Thanks Patrick Michaud and PmWiki team for creating such an easy and sophisticated web tool to use.



SIGNAL is aimed at providing a unified training in signal processing, focussing on the fundamental research aspects of signal processing, offering the early stage researcher an in-depth knowledge of the field, not restricted to a particular subdomain of applications. Moreover, due to the strong links of the participant in industrial projects and in various types of applications, the researchers will have the opportunity to apply their results in the real world.


FlexiDoc Server

ILFIRON has been focused on cutting edge IT solutions since founding in 2005. People in our team have experience with IT industry for more than 15 years and they continue to provide the partners and customers with great results and best services.

We are using PmWiki for our flagship product: FlexiDoc Server. It is a combination of Apache Web server, Open Office (, Java, PHP and PmWiki in a single package.

PmWiki ideally extends the features of the product for intranet purposes.

Folk Song Lyrics (

A collection of folk songs (and others now) in English (sorry all I know). Some I used to sing, others given to me by various people, some I just like. Experimenting with ABC Tunebook as well. Seems to work out well. As with classic-sf above used sometimes as much to play with PmWiki to see how far I can go and learn.

FreedroidRPG wiki

FreedroidRPG is an isometric 3D open-source role playing game, similar to the proprietary game Diablo, but with an ambience of its own. It runs on Linux, Mac OS, and MS Windows. It is still incomplete but fully playable and can offer several hours of fun.

We are using PmWiki version 1 to help coordinate development.

FSR - The page for computer science students of Friedrich-Schiller University Jena

The site ( was recreated with pmwiki, cause the admin of the old site was away and no one knew, how to handle with a cms like joomla. So we use the power of pmwiki to build a good looking , which is easy to upkeep and which is very easy to explain to other people, who will take over the work of the site.

We're using the severall recipes: TOC?, SectionEdit?, Simple Tables?, wiki to pdf?, Flash?, ...

So far we easily implemented embedding youtube-videos, rss-feeds and other features of the modern network. Cause of the active community there will be also in the near future further extensions for the site and is so automatically up to date.

Cause of the simplification in building content with pmwiki, I could convince (and motivate) my fellow students of the FSR to work with the system.

The only thing pmwiki is not good for, is a forum. So we use Simple Machines Forum.




GASSI-TV ( is the German pet-themed web tv station. We recently changed from Wordpress to PmWiki to benefit from PmWiki's open architecture and easy customization. With the relaunch of the new PmWiki-based website the pageviews (per day) have more than quadrupled.

The current GASSI-TV website is entirely in German, though an English version is planned.
In mid 2011 the PmWiki based site was relaunched to accomodate HTML5-capable video and OpenX adverts. Originally it was discussed to switch to Drupal for this relaunch, but it was just faster and easier to do that in PmWiki.

I started a pmwiki some years ago as my personal knowlege base. Some groups and fields are open for sharing different kind of things like linux and open source knowledge. There is also a ABC-music notation documentation mainly in german, where music examples and pdf's are created "on the fly". There is a nice choral collection of ABC notated choral music. Sheets and SATP-midis+mp3s are generated also server sided. Links to my other wikis from
I also use pmwiki for maintaining my own projects and documentation. I wrote a small xclip based script which can be used to execute every command from a pmwiki or text page (tomboy Notes).
Apart from that, pmwiki is an excellent tool for developing websites.!

Started this site as a small project to share our knowledge with others. Chose pmwiki because of simplicity and ease of install. Now, it has become a full-fledge commercial venture supporting thousands of users and pmwiki has scaled beautifully. It's great to have a wonderful open-source product like Pmwiki which encourages small experiments like this site and allowing it to evolve into a larger and profitable venture.

Do visit GPS in India . com


HELLUG: Hellenic Linux User Group It 's a non profit Linux User Group aiming to spread the idea of free software in Greece.


i4 Asia Incorporated

i4 Asia Incorporated is an IT outsourcing company based in the Philippines, specialized in IT Support and E-business Solutions. We help our clients lower their costs by letting them focus on their core business, and letting us worry about all their IT concerns.

i4 Asia Incorporated uses PmWiki for our Hosting Support Pages ( The pages primarily focus on majority of our clients' most important hosting functionality: access to their email. We've found PmWiki easy to maintain, easy to backup, and easy to use. This allows us to spend less time maintaining our Hosting Support Pages and more time supporting our clients with their more critical needs.

Ingenius Network

Student network website. (Kortrijk, Belgium)

A Finnish wiki on innovation journalism, a new journalistic genre that is about the Future Work of society.

When change has become almost the only constant in society, also journalism must become journalism of change. The top-down approach must be turned upside down so that a true citizen society will emerge.

PmWiki is ideally suited for development of this kind of a site. The wiki-functionalities are used in pwd-protected projects by various groups. I am especially happy about the easy adaptability of Patrick Michaud's PmWiki program. I continually add new things to the site and take away old things, and it can usually be done in a few seconds. Just try it!

This is the fourth time we used PmWiki for a Symposium website, including user registration, abstract submission, credit card billing module, attendance check-in and -out, and attendance certificate mailing. Unlike in previous years, we stored all registrations etc in an sqlite database which helped to slim down and streamline the operation of the site. Linux Help and Doc's

It perfect, great, and easy to manage.

Thank you PmWiki!


Is a wiki dedicated to the IB ITGS course developed by its teacher and students from Cairo American College in Egypt. Over the two yrs it has grown and many schools now use it as a resource or guide. Thanks to Wiki technology and PMwiki we were able to do it.


Attach:JapCraftsEU.jpg Japanese Crafts EU

Japanese Crafts EU is a website that seeks to explain the world of the traditional and not so traditional Japanese crafts detailing their background and history.

- My name is Mark and I am a beginner in web designing and was lucky enough to find PmWiki, it is easy to use, configure and tailor with a lot of useful features in terms of Cookbooks and Skins, I would recommend this software to anyone first trying out.

Attach:jewelwiki.jpg JewelWiki is a collaborative resource for Jewel fans to find lyrics, albums, pictures, and most importantly live performance information. The JewelWiki utilizes PmWiki's backlinks directive to list all performances of a particular song as well as linking fans up to each other to trade live shows.

JoL - Développement

We have used PmWiki for an internal project on the JeuxOnline website (the first french portail about mmorpgs) : a collaborative place for all the webmasters of the JoL team. PmWiki is really a great software, it makes the wiki more simple and convivial for everyone.

One of the graphist of our team made a skin especially for us (based on the "notsosimple" template). The reading access is restricted to the members of the team (because of confidential information) and the edition privileges to the webmatsers. I can just give you a screenshot of the final version of the wiki.


Korea Web Accessbility Group

KWAG is Korea Web Accessbility Group. Thanks PMwiki for offering Good App.


Polish tutorial on writing standards-compiliant web pages in XHTML and CSS.

Thanks to PMWiki's customizable markup tutorial has rich formatting and semantic XHTML code that is good enough to be an example itself.


LBTS ( )

Low Temperature and Superconductivity Laboratory (LBTS) at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain

We migrated to PmWiki our main website abandoning other authoring packages which, though commercial and widely used, did not provide us the trouble-free experience that PmWiki delivers. Our University has rather strict style guidelines for the visual appearance of departmental webs, and so we were pleased to discover how easy and flexible is to customize PmWiki's appearance. We are also delighted with the reasonably direct support of mathematical formulas, greek letters, accented characters... and how all the formatings look automagically OK in all browsers. Now that's trouble-free! Our site is designed to not appear as a wiki to outside visitors, with the edit access (restricted to lab members) provided as a line of "administration" links at the bottom of the site; this is virtually unnoticed by outside visitors, yet is comfortably found by the lab people.

Le Blog de

A blog about PHP programming, in french language.
It took me one afternoon to setup this blog with Pmwiki. The CommentBoxPlus recipe proved to be very handy.

Les débroussailleuses ( )

Site de l'association les dé, spécialisée dans le débroussaillage et l'élevage nomade et alternatif.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • custom application
  • custom forms
  • custom pagelists (archives)

Light Iris - Popular by Moms - Allentown, NJ

There are back-end administrative forms that allow Light Iris to manage this weekly newsletter-based web section's content. The rest of the website specializes in website search engine content filtering for new mothers.

LinksBoks Project Homepage

I used PmWiki about 1 year ago to create the "official" homepage of my pet project, a port of the Links browser to the Xbox console. I kept the design simple without too much CSS because the site had to render fine on the actual browser :)

PmWiki was great for this task, but I had to lock out editing and make a dedicated section for that, because of a few smart 12 year olds who wouldn't stop defacing the pages with obscene stuff. Other than that, no problems at all. I altered the Page History layout a little to avoid CSS.

The Longhorn Engineer

I used to run wordpress but I found that it was chunky and was hard to keep project logs and static pages updated. A good friend of mine showed me PmWiki and I decided to give it a try. I have to say this is the smoothest running website I have ever maintained. Defiantly going to use PmWiki for future sites.


M-Horton Clothing Design

Powerful enough to attract hits from the Maldives, and easy enough for a seamstress to "get it" and do-it-herself! Next on the list is integrating the social networking site buttons and adding PayPal support. This has been a wonderful experience to dive into the open-source community. I modified the tag on the bottom of the site to say "Open-Source and Fancy-Free with PmWiki" I LOVE my website.

Thanks to everyone in the PmWiki community!

Map uit - Xiao-o Wiki (


The Mapuit Xiao-o wiki is an GNU licensed online information platform for Chinese speaking communities in Europe, it started by creating an information board for abroad studying Chinese students/scholars in the Netherlands, and will gradually move to a Europe-covered information center.

The site covers a wide variety of information including higher education systems(colleges, schools, institutes), tourists(city tourist, site visiting, etc), cultures(festivals, histories) as well as mostly importantly, the students' daily lives(shopping places, administrative procedures, visa application, etc).

Visit us at

Marie Christine Gangneux Architect ( (January 2016)

This minimalistic website is a presentation for the French architect and professor Marie Christine Gangneux. It is runs PmWiki with a lightly customized 2016? skin, with galleries showing photos and drawings with Mini? and with AutoTOC? for table of contents. The website is hosted on OVH. (Created and maintained by Petko?.)

Matrioszka: O Rosji po polsku ( (September 2006)

Matrioszka (Polish for «matryoshka») is a website about Russia, Russian language and culture intended for Polish audience. It is my personal, not-for-profit project I started in 2005 when, after returning from Moscow, I found out that there is no decent source of such information and a niché exists. Originally, I used Mambo (now Joomla, I suppose) as the CMS backend, which I even ported to PostgreSQL at that time, but was unsatisfied with the outcome (it worked fine but there was too much hassle with editing -- it's an interface issue).

My goal for Matrioszka is not just to create a place where I can put some articles I wrote, but rather to provide a platform where other people can write too and be reasonably credited for this. To facilitate editing and increase flexibility I have ported Matrioszka to PmWiki.

From the technical side, which probably interests you the most, Matrioszka is not a single website but a WikiFarm that also hosts my other sites, ie. my homepage, a website about Lviv, and some other one too at the moment, and can be easily extended to more in the future -- it is as simple as issuing an mkdir sites/ and creating a local/config.php in this directory. The site-dependent config.php file has virtually just a few lines, as most stuff is configured site-wide in farmconfig.php, extconfig.php (loads extensions, included from the site config.php), and i18n.LN.php which contains all the language-dependent stuff (LN stands for language, currently en or pl).

All of this is possible thanks to PmWiki's excellent flexibility (virtually no need to modify the core code, except removing inline CSS and customizing the error message). Apache's mod_rewrite is also involved. The Cookbook extensions used are: Beautifier (not really needed at the moment), CommentBoxPlus, MarkupExtensions, Flash (again, not in use now), Cookbook:LinkTitles, MediaCat, MergeMetaTags (disabled for now, not working), PageToc, SearchHighLight (originally not Unicode-clear, but I implemented a lame fix), UserAuth, PresenceAwarenessLight (turned off for now), RandomQuote and ViewModes.

I have also rewritten the VisitorsLogging script for use on this page. Piotr Szczepanski?

Media Revolution in Early Modern Europe (

  • Course website for college history class on the Print Revolution (Fall 2008)

This is my first use of a wiki in a classroom seeting, and PmWiki has made the experience a breeze. So far, PmWiki (and its eclectic collection of recipes) has enabled me expand the website as classroom needs have changed. Some of the features (and related recipes) include:

  • A shoutbox (Fox?)
  • A collapsible comment box for quick additions to the site (Fox? and Toggle?)
  • Tag clouds (ListCategories? - allows for organized chaos)
  • A calendar (PmCalendar?)
  • Multilayered edit and read permissions (via AuthUser)
  • Embedded flash videos (Flash?)
  • Embedded delicious clouds (Delicious?)
  • Custom links for clipping content to pages (cmsb-addlink.php from CMSBundle?)
    • This is my favorite - there's a scrapbook section on the site in which each page has a link that can be dragged to the bookmark bar and used to clip urls to the page. Thus, students can create their own custom "link dumps."

In short, PmWiki is a complete wiki plus a powerful CMS for classroom contexts. It's far more flexible and robust than the proprietary software offered by many university IT departments.

I do hope that the next release of PmWiki will contain built-in blogging tools. To combine the ease of blog content management (and the social networking potential of a blog) with the slow, cumulative growth of a wiki -- now that would be a powerful tool! Wikis are still on the cutting edge -- in many ways, all those fancy Web 2.0 apps are still catching up. But the more PmWiki can be integrated with existing social web tools and methods, the more people will come to see the power of wikis. - russian watched movies dairy with unlimited sorting methods. Content is sorted by itself being used like tags.

(July 2013)

Meteobrallo: (

Linux, embeddedPC & Davis weather stations

MeteoBrallo is a dual wiki. First allow to know more information about Brallo di Pregola weather (BdP is a nice italian village). Second describe how to setup an embedded PC to support and connect to the Internet a weather station using ONLY linux and opensource software.

(January 2008)

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Google map
  • Custom colors on premade template

Minuteman Press, Middletown/Scotchtown, NY

Frustrated with his franchise-supplied website, Minuteman Press came to Eclectic Tech for a dynamic website that would fit the corporate colors supplied by the franchise. Now they can change whatever they want on the website.

Mobilisation Montpellier Site de la mobilisation à l'Université Montpellier 2, contre la LRU et la casse du service public d'enseignement et de recherche en France (printemps 2009) This wiki deals with the struggle against the laws destroying the education and the research as a public service in France, this is the local website for the organisation of the struggle in the University of Montpellier 2. the skin is a minor modification of the default skin (recent changes have been put in the sidebar, there is no image,...). By the way, there is a little problem with the french internationalization since the files for PmWikiFr are not in UTF-8, so you will have to use iconv (otherwise the accents are not well displayed).

MPS Mountaineering (

The website of MPS Mountaineering at Nottingham University. Having a single webmaster led to a stagnating website, but now everyone in the club contributes to the website, and we have more content updated more regularly than ever before.

Mugen Wiki (

A wiki devoted to the 2d fighting game Engine, M.U.G.E.N PmWiki was a huge help. The ability to customize everything makes this the best Wiki software out there.


NatureVault (

 Understand Nature at

NatureVault is a collection of knowledge, data, and understanding about how nature works. It is intended to be resource of alternative information discovered by individuals, not commonly recognized by society, and information which is needed to rebuild society better from a future disaster. The wiki is fully open source and downloadable in full to preserve in a societal collapse, and usable offline.

NetWiki (

NetWiki is a dual-purpose wiki, acting as an open repository of information about network science, including shared codes and data, while also serving as the central online point for some ongoing collaborations applying networks concepts to different problems. It was relatively simple to set up, even with some difficulties navigating details of the server here, while being wonderfully easy to add content to and to maintain, particularly with the wide assortment of cookbooks available.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Custom upload application
  • Google map
  • Envelope gifs by Eclectic Tech, LLC

Newburgh Envelope Corp., Newburgh, NY

With this website, Newburgh Envelope clients can upload files for the printing company with a simple password and filling out a client form. Once in, they can upload as many files as they would like. Upload system uses 100% PmWiki parts and labor, with some PmForm data gymnastics and page permission tomfoolery to keep the public from stumbling on customer's data. Not one line of PmWiki code was altered in the creation of this web application.

New Hope Solebury High School (

Attach:NHSDWIKI.gif New Hope Solebury is using this as a way for teachers to create their own webpages. We love the ability to secure the sites to different levels of access this is very important in an educational environment. - Health Facts in Hindi.

This website tries to address the illiteracy barriers to health care, by providing health facts in Hindi and other regional languages


Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Calendar
  • News/Blog
  • Dynamic content
  • Design by Eclectic Tech, LLC
  • Panorama photo by Russell Bernice

Orange Environment, New Hampton, NY

The most fun design feature of this website is the panoramic photo in the header. Go ahead, stretch the site horizontally -- will it ever end? You probably need over a 24" monitor to see the entire photo. This beautiful photo of the Shawnagunk Mountain range in Orange & Ulster counties, NY is one of the hundreds of reasons Orange Environment MUST prevail against the enemies of our beautiful natural sanctuaries.


PaperCut Software - Knowledge Base (

 PaperCut write print monitoring and control software for networks of all sizes

Here at PaperCut Software we use PmWiki as our support knowledge base for our print quota product. A knowledge base by nature is constantly changing - information is always being added, removed or changed. Out of the many different wiki and CMS systems around, we chose PmWiki for its powerful simplicity. It was dead easy to set up and is easy to maintain. Since then (Aug 2004) adding new content to our knowledge base has been a breeze. It looks good and integrates nicely with our site.

The Paranormal Journal (

The Paranormal Journal, a site that offers a peer-reviewing of all articles related to the paranormal, started off on another Wiki software. When the performance degraded to the point of a 20-second load-time, PmWiki came to save the day. It was up and running in a day, using the EnableHTML, the built-in AuthUser, HtpasswdForm, NewpageBox+, Discussion Tab, SectionEdit, and the Monobook recipes, we were able to replicate 99.9% of the other wiki software's functionality that our authors came to expect. The other 0.1% of functionality will probably pop up and slap me in the face, because I'm sure it's already there; I just haven't found it yet.


The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time

One or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives for movement and action, their relations, their work and leisure activities, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there.

It’s a bike ride. It happens weekly, in Los Angeles.

This is its website:

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Video content
  • Audio content
  • Google Maps
  • Calendar of events
  • Dynamic content features

PEP Productions, Chester & Sugar Loaf, NY

Paul Ellis can control the text at the upper right corner of the page by entering wiki (:data:) information on the page -- so he could have a different saying on every page if he wanted to. This company produces live plays, radio plays, events, and just about anything that has more than one person in a room -- but his specialty is arts and theatre.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Design by Eclectic Tech, LLC
  • Photos by Eclectic Tech, LLC

Personal Care by Myrna, Walton, NY

Myrna was one of my first PmWiki clients. She wanted a design that said "holistic" and "sports therapy" without "fluff". She thinks she can't handle websites and computers, but she takes care of her two websites just fine. Massage therapy in the Delaware Valley.

Personality Pedagogy

The mission of Personality Pedagogy is to establish an online community of teacher-scholars which provides support and resources for the teaching of personality psychology. I started it in June of 2006 and started publicising it in August. I was new to PmWiki and now I'm a believer! The possibilities of a wiki are awesome. I may utilize them all someday! Thank you. Website:

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Shopping cart
  • Go-eMerchant processing
  • Dynamic content
  • Branding by Gene Bové
  • Web design by Eclectic Tech

Ph&Ph web-studio

This is russian web develompent studio official site. PmWiki is used for articles organizing.

Pine Island Herb & Spice Co., Pine Island, NY

Prepacked kits of edible herbal delights. Soups, pasta, dips, and more, all shipped to your door. This website uses Go-eMerchant cart and payment processing. The client had already been using their service for years, now her newly designed website still uses their shopping cart system but it's so much easier to use than cutting & pasting HTML into her website -- she just needs an item id number from the shopping cart provider, and she can add purchase buttons to her cart.

The Place of Houses

The Place of Houses is a South Texas real-estate and interior design company. They needed a website that allows them to add new properties and design projects quickly and easily. PmWiki is a major part of this system, with its powerful, efficient engine and straightforward user interface. The Place of Houses can now promote its website to its customers because of the control they have over the content and the speed in which they can list new client's properties on their website. They serve the Corpus Christi real estate market and surrounding areas.

Webprose Staff, -= WEBPROSE.CC =- Web Design, and Custom Web Programming

PmWiki is awesome!
My name is Ian MacGregor?. I installed PmWiki for an in-house network (Linux machines) and I have found PmWiki to be the best suited wiki for my purpose. I have also installed PmWiki on my website. PmWiki installation was quick and easy and allows me to have a powerful yet very user-friendly wiki without all the hassle of some other wiki's that are out there. PmWiki is easy to use and its text formatting rules are easy to learn. Couple that with skinning ability, add-ons, security, a search facility and more and you've got one great wiki. Thank you Pm!

PmWiki on Zaurus PDA

Tripple-o, open source consultancy

I run pmwiki on my Zaurus pda. I changed the width variable from 600 to 230 in pmwiki.php. A Zaurus is an amazing little linux box. I run, besides some other interesting programs, apache with php support. Pmwiki has all the potential to become the standard personal pda portal.

Preservation-Ready Sites


Preservation-Ready Sites Buffalo is an online resource for the local historic preservation community in Buffalo, New York USA. We were looking to publish a crowd-sourced online database of buildings and other structures of preservation interest - mostly those at risk of demolition or damage, but also historic preservation defeats and current success stories.

Good access to accurate, fact-based information is a powerful tool for activism. The primary goal of the website is to create a consistent, up-to-date resource for individual structures, with each database record/page based on verifiable facts presented in an easily accessed framework.

Wiki software looked most promising as a platform, mostly for its crowd-sourcing features. After trying MediaWiki and finding it extremely powerful but hard to develop and manage, we chose PmWiki for its simplicity, flexibility, rock-solid design and maturity, and because the primary site developer was intimately familiar with its workings.


We launched the site on January 1, 2013. As of September 2017 it contains nearly 1,900 pages, each containing information on a specific structure. It's growing slowly but steadily. Local preservationists have found the site useful, mostly so any building of concern has a "home on the web" where anyone can access current, factual information.

We're using the following Cookbook recipes:

  • Monobook skin, for its MediaWiki-like appearance and features.
  • Media Categories, to handle MediaWiki-style categories/tags.
  • Drag & Drop Multi Upload, to make uploading images easier.
  • IfInText, a small recipe I created based on a mailing list suggestion by Hans Bracker. This enables the display of some of the tags at the top of each page, for special emphasis, by searching for tag text on the page and displaying conditional markup.
  • New Page Box Plus, to create new pages based on templates.
  • Link Titles 2, to add tooltips to links.
  • ABC Hover Index, to create an elegant and useful menu/page list.

We make sure to have each building's page conform to a template, with consistent and predictable content and markup. We're making extensive use of pagelists to present information based on the site's categories. As we've learned more about pagelists, page variables, includes, group headers and footers and the nuances of namespaces, we're able to semi-automatically create varied and complex pages with useful pagelist displays, all without a lot of work (except at the beginning).

PmWiki's a winner as Version 1.0 of this project and has performed flawlessly. We'll be looking at more robust database-driven development for Version 2.0, mostly because we're identifying desired features beyond the scope of PmWiki (or probably any wiki software), such as heavy incorporation of mapping/GIS, more complex querying and more advanced styling and display.

We originally planned to have lots of authors and editors, but have found even the straightforward PmWiki markup to be too big a hurdle for most of our audience. Luckily, a couple of us are database guys from way back and really enjoy working with markup, consistent page structure and a bit of PmWiki-style coding, and we're making the progress we were hoping for when we started.

We'd be glad to share more of this experience with anyone who's interested. Just email us at

--Kevin Hayes, Buffalo NY USA



Qdig - Quick Digital Image Gallery

The Qdig Web Site has been running PmWiki as a lightweight Content Management System (CMS) since April, 2004. The PmWiki-based design has made the site more attractive and easier to use than it was previously. The site is easy to maintain, so the content can be updated frequently. Supporting Qdig is also easier now that commonly-explained topics (like this one) can be given their own web pages. -ProfilesHF?

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • PmWiki-only flatfile database content
  • Schedule of breakouts
  • Presenter profiles
  • Breakout descriptions
  • Dynamically generated schedule of the day's events
  • External payment form used

QED Hudson Valley Business Edge
Conference, Newburgh, NY

This was a monster website for 2007, and it's time to get moving on the 2008 conference features, which will be better than last year's. Using hidden data, PmForm -- or was it Zap back then?, and dynamic content generation, pagelists, and much more, a dynamic site was born where presenters were linked to their breakouts, the day's breakout schedule was dynamically generated, etc. See the 2007 website archive for more....100% PmWiki flatfiles -- no MySQL.


Radom photo gallery or

This site is a photo gallery of my hometown Radom. I decided to choose PmWiki because it fits my needs perfectly. Each photo has own page with links to subject description and articles can be easily linked. Customized Triad Skin was used, and some self-written scripts for auto page generation for every uploaded photo and for Google Maps.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Calendar
  • Google Map
  • Design by Silverflux Design
  • Photo is the director's daughter

Rhythm and Rhyme Childcare, Warwick, NY

This new environmentally friendly childcare facility is just outside of Warwick, NY. It's enormous and well laid-out, ready to care for children of any age from infancy up. I wish I were a kid again. The child blowing bubbles can be removed on any page by adding (:nochild:) to the page.

Website: Rose is an independent not-for-profit organization (called a "vzw" in Belgium). Its mission is to support and foster primary education for children from economically disadvantaged rural communities in developing countries. It is also recognized by Portulaca, the international students organization of K.U.Leuven, Belgium, as its affiliated organization. Rose has chosen to meet its mission by improving basic facilities in primary schools. To this end, it is working on well-identified and sustainable projects on a first hand basis.

Rabenclan - Arbeitskreis für Heiden in Deutschland e.V.

We use pmwiki in background. Design is done completly with XHTML and CSS. It is now possible to update the content with geographical diversity of people.


Another Danish Wiki on the same server as the "AfterOil" site. This project is a non-profit organization that focus on bringing Broadband Internet Access to people in the rural area of Denmark "Vesthimmerland" where we live. The net is provided using wireless access.

The Wiki works like a dream. We use the comments "blog" and some other features together with the Fix-flow theme - Lots of good feedback from pesants with no knowledge of using the web at all. They seem to find it adaptive and straight forward. We love it.

Rally Reykjavik

The home of the International Icelandic Rally. This is a three day motorsport event run out of Reykjavik, Iceland, hence the name.

We use PMWiki as it is easy to use and gives us flexibility with the cookbook and skins. - (

A German private website with technical informations. PmWiki is used as a simple Content Managment System.


Television Tropes & Idioms Wiki - Just wanted to drop a line saying that the site recently survived a major pounding caused by a combination of MeFi listing and a mention on the BBC. Something like 20,000 hits in the course of two hours were handled with no problems. Thanks for the good coding!


Sciences Claires -

English version:

A popular science website for people of any age, with particular emphasis on prospective science students. It includes not only articles on various scientific subjects, but also a science dictionary, interview of scientists, animations, videos and a toolbox that allows visitors to solve equations, plot graphs, convert units, ...

French version:

Un site de vulgarisation scientifique pour lecteurs de tout âge et qui vise plus particulièrement les plus jeunes, dans l'optique des les encourager à étudier les sciences. Il inclut non seulement des articles sur des sujets scientifiques variés mais aussi un dictionnaire, des interviews de chercheurs, des animations, des vidéos et une boîte à outil permettant aux visiteurs de résoudre des équations, de tracer des graphes, de convertir des unités, ...

Scoobypedia - Trusted Knowledge For Everything Subaru -

Scoobypedia is a Wiki knowledge base for anything Subaru, maintained by experts - the community. It's based on PmWiki and effectively unlocks the valuable technical information burried within bulletin boards. This is a free service to the Subaru community with many good technical articles maintained by around 30 active contributors and 8,000 unique visitors per month.

Schell Company Electrical Manufacturers Representatives

Schell Company is an electrical manufacturers representative for many electrical product lines. Specializing in Electrical Sales to the Louisiana and Southern United States. Wiki works great for this client because they are now keeping important information for their clients and Electrical Companies on the web. This constantly updated information helps keep superflous calls to a minimum, and also gives them more clout and presence in the electrical community.

Webprose Staff, -= WEBPROSE.CC =- Web Design, and Custom Web Programming

I'm very happy with PmWiki, particularly because it is a barrier-free support for my creativity: no additional software needed for editing or expanding my web site.
Thanks to the developer!

Sensing and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab


The Sensing and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab is a university research lab in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Utah. Researchers in the SPAN lab conduct research at the intersection of wireless networks and signal processing, and have particular emphasis on wireless sensor networks. The objective of the SPAN lab is to contribute to the state-of-the-art and disseminate research results accurately and quickly, and PmWiki has dramatically improved this output. Lab researchers directly and easily contribute results and data to the web site, and update and refine others' contributions. See more at (discontinued, moving to a non-pmwiki site).


A parental control freeware for french-speaking users. Mainly used to forbid P2P file sharing, and schedule computer usage periods.
Pmwiki is the best solution I found to build and update a small web site. (12-2008)

Attach:siamnet.jpg Siamnet

All I can say is PmWiki is cool. It's really easy to install, a little techy to customize, but I think that's why I like it. You really learn the system when you customize it. I've used enterprise wiki's and even developed my own wiki/CMS but I still like PmWiki. I plan on developing my own recipes in the future. If you'd like to check out what I've done, it's up at

Shamrock FX Trading

Welcome to our PmWiki site. We show the opportunities in automatic foreign exchange trading. We do professional trading and we publish our trading signals on our own tool based on the Dukascopy Bank plattform. From this point on, after you have applied at Dukascopy as a trader, you can use our signals on your own account. On our website we present our strategy and trading concepts. Also you can find lots of information about our team; a professional trader, a strategy analyst and me, the programmer. We implemented videos and performance evaluations and much more. Thus we implemented many PmWiki cookbooks as fox, flash players, forum, RSS, etc. If you want to see the opportunities of the Forex market, feel free and visit us @ . See you there - Bernhard Schicht
Bschicht? December 28, 2010, at 09:45 PM

Shattered Wiki

The players of our game Shattered Galaxy needed an easy-to-use Wiki that people could contribute to. PmWiki gave me the best options and fast file system without needing a database. The skin came together in an easy process and from start to finish the site was ready in under an hour.

We have had the Wiki running since the start of June 2005 with no problems and its so easy to maintain. All the players benefit from the information and with over 700 players we have a big community.

Thumbs up for PmWiki - Questions about my Wiki? contact me at girlwithgun(at) Lab of Trinity College Dublin

This is the website of the signal processing research group of Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. is a leading research lab in digital film restoration and special effects for post-production companies. This new version of the site was started early 2007 to facilitate the update of the research activity. A small wrapper has been added to the original wiki to be able to mask editing commands when not logged in and to be able to cache pages. Thanks to pmwiki, the collaborative maintenance of the site is so much easier right now. Francois

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Design by Eclectic Tech, LLC

Silva Lining Kennels, Walton, NY

My client, Myrna, also runs a sophisticated canine retreat in the mountains. Dogs big and small come for some relaxing music, massage therapy, and holistic care and romp with their buddies. Then they get a bath and go home.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Client can update her portfolio
  • Design by Silverflux Design

Simply FlawlessFaces, Monroe, NY

This was the first project where Silverflux created a design for PmWiki and Eclectic Tech made the design into a template. The client was thrilled, and she got onto the preferred vendor list at the Ritz-Carlton hotel because of her portfolio site. Bridal make-up specialist in the NYC and Hudson Valley region.

Simsboro High School Alumni Association

This site was created for fellow alumni members to stay in contact with each other and share their stories. This school had its 102 graduation class in 2006. Even though the school is in a small community, there are a lot of alumni all over the world.

This site was started in April of 2004 using conventional HTML code writing. It was very time consuming to keep the site up to date and to make changes. In mid 2005 I utilized PMWiki and reorganized the whole site. I must say that site maintenance is much easier!

Solid Foundation Home Page -- We wanted a site that was easy to maintain and provided our staff with the ability to make quick updates. PmWiki provided a great way to get this done. With a few local modifications we have been able to incorporate a accessible website menu system (pulling data from a page in the wiki) and a daily Bible meditation section (pulling data from a database). PmWiki has proved to be a solid foundation for this site.


Information resource for Steptime Ware computer music dealers.

We've been using PmWiki since 2008. We needed a dynamic website where the world could see most the content and dealers would have access to protected content. The markup seemed overwhelming at first, but it's easily learned.

Software Systems Open For Business

Software Systems Open For Business is a small software shop that uses PmWiki to give customers open source based web sites. The fact that no database is required is excellent, as it enables our customers to use basic hosting packages. The permissions is also excellent as it is fully featured yet not overly complex. PmWiki is a great piece of software, ideal when Joomla or Drupal would be overkill.

Site about shorthand and stenography in Polish

Website collecting all what is possible to find about the art of the shorthand-writing or stenography, its history and theory. First such site in Polish language, established to save from oblivion this important part of human invention.

PmWiki rocks! If you want a real blog/website platform, this is the way to go. I designed an awesome website with dynamic content that probably overloads my rss feed. ;) This is a wonderful platform for somebody who loves web design and the tweaking code. I've spent some time and really got superior results far exceeding any expectations. A web developers secret weapon.

Thanks to the developers for making me very happy. :thu:

Wiki powered shopping glossary of product jargon and technical terms, helping consumers understand the diverse collection of features, specifications and functionality found when shopping for products online.


(from ITALY)
Swappa è un wiki creato da e per gli studenti del DTI dell'Università di Crema (Informatica, Sicurezza, TSI). Contiene appunti, riassunti, guide, esercizi, temi d'esame.

Abbiamo usato pmwiki dall'inizio, e si è dimostrato estremamente potente e versatile. Non saremmo arrivati dove siamo senza questa piattaforma! Grazie a tutti gli sviluppatori!


TAMU-CC Professor says yea PmWiki!

If you go to my teaching site , you will see that beyond the first page my entire site is on PmWiki. (And I will soon be converting the first page as well.) Also from my site you can link to the 21st Century Teaching and Learning website, a Title project that I have been involved in at the university as well. As a teaching tool I can't say enough about PmWiki. Since I began using PmWiki, Patrick has conducted numerouse workshops for faculty/staff at our university and the use of PmWiki in other classes has really grown. PmWiki is a powerful tool for creating more interactive learning opportunities. Thanks Patrick! -- Susan Loudermilk

TAMU-CC Adjunct agrees!

I was very fortunate to learn PmWiki from PM. At TAMU-CC our entire First-Year Writing Program is based on PmWiki for both instructor distribution of course materials and student submissions. Students are given their own "space" to both submit work and make knowledge from blank pages. Awesome! To see how simply a complex teaching site can be English Johnson is where my course work lives. Thanks again Patrick!-- Frances Johnson

Attach:SuccessStoriesTangoskolenNoScreenshot.jpg is a tango school located in Oslo, Norway. We offer training classes, practicas (tango practice nights) and private lessons, and we provide tango performances.

We use PmWiki both for our external web site, and for our internal web page where we share course content, student lists, etc.

- elygre?


TapirGames is a game studio dedicated to making fun online games.

Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Division of Nearshore Research (

PmImg:2003/dnr-2.gif This research organization has some sophisticated web frontends to its environmental databases, but needed a way for researchers to quickly create and update content. At first glance this site doesn't look like a wiki site, but it is! The edit links are hidden beneath the banner until the mouse pointer is over them.

Toyota MR2 Wiki

Website: DaveG?

PmWiki really wins out with it's ease of installation, and ease and flexibility by which it can be customized. Totally text based (no DB), it's quick and simple to setup. The author is also extreemly responsive to problems, bugs, help, and general suggestions for improvement. PmWiki has by far the best community of developers and users of any of the wikis.

The purpose of the MR2 wiki is to provide a comprehensive source of information, facts, and answers to common questions about the Toyota MR2. The MR2 has been around since 1984, and was one of the first popular mid-engine sports cars, with a 0-60mph time of around 6.5 seconds, rivaling many modern sports cars.

MR2 Wiki: A continually evolving frequently asked questions.


The Title-Eigo (タイトル英語) website helps the Japanese learn English through the titles of movies, songs, books, etc. The 10,000+ members and more visitors benefit from this language-learning site, which is working great thanks to the wonderful PmWiki system with the beautiful TriadSkin and other fabulous cookbook recipes. Created and run by Jun Fukumitsu (福光潤).

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Dynamic content
    • Sidebar & cover art are content sensitive
  • Design by Eclectic Tech, LLC

Two Cardinals Press, Dix Hills, NY

The artwork changes when you view pages about a particular book, the sidebar changes depending on which page you're viewing, and more little features were added to this dynamic content website for a small publisher on Long Island, NY.


Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi (

We needed a way for multiple people to update our site easily and to facilitate communication within the church. PmWiki has served both purposes wonderfully. We are now able to keep our content fresh and enrichment groups each have their own WikiGroup. We even distribute our newsletter electronically via PmWiki. As a church of free thinkers, people are coming up with new ways to use wiki all the time. Thanks Pm!

University of Minnesota Libraries Staff

We found that our old staff web site (largely developed in HTML, often with DreamWeaver to construct pages) was getting stale. Nobody was in charge of the site and those of our staff with HTML skills were swamped enough that changes were slow to appear. We decided to try a wiki in an effort to get more staff involved in the editing and maintenance of the site. We also felt a wiki could help us enforce a template on the site. After flirting with twiki, we chose PmWiki because of its clear philosophy, clear documentation, and active user community. PmWiki has been a joy to work with.

University of Texas Sailing Club

We decided to use a wiki for our officer documentation, but it expanded into the whole site. It's fantastically easy to update, and we haven't found one instance where PmWiki wouldn't work. The major sticking point was the massive PmWiki community and all of their recipes.

Upload .. Download .. Perform . net
a repository of scores for contemporary experimental performance

... share your scores, actions, rituals,
choreographed movements, texts, instructions,
suggestions, recipes, meditations, ...

-V- - virtual tours in and around Paris (in French)

A project by Petko?, the core developer of PmWiki. Virtour is a studio creating virtual reality tours and a platform for cross-site publishing and sharing. It uses a few custom addons and mostly PmForm?, PageLists, PageTextVariables. PmWiki is the solid base on which the Virtour platform is built (documentation, access controll, editor preferences with history) with a sophisticated layer of JavaScript tools to help with the creation and organization of virtual reality immersive experiences. (The individual tours, when ready, are composed of static files for instant delivery.)

VIGOR Ligornetto

I spent a lot of time developing customized web applications and, when I had to set up a new site for the VIGOR athelics, I looked around for some existing framework matching their requirements. PmWiki was the right solution, easy to customize and quite easy to mantain and populate even for non technical editors.

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Books link out to Amazon
  • Design by Eclectic Tech, LLC

Vest Pocket Farm - Books and cards by Mollie Eckelberry

Beautiful books, illustrated cards, and children's stories. The website offers sample pages or chapters of the books offered, and shows off some of the card designs.

Representation Website for a local Federation of Freight Forwarders & Logistics Associations. We publish dates and news for members and informations about education. Using NetstreamsCMS? with a simple Blog, Menu, Forms, german translation and a lot of other extensions (more that I can count ;-)).



Washington Community Church (

Using PmWiki has proven much more effective than doing it myself with hand-coded PHP. First of all, it saves me the work of writing a lot of PHP code and second of all, it prevents me from being the bottleneck for getting content up online. By the way, my web host doesn't have command line access, but I am able to install, configure, and run PmWiki without any problems. Thanks! (

A long time I coded html and PHP myself. Editing with vi after logging in with a secure shell was not a quick thing to put some new ideas to a web place. So I found PMWiki for putting my ideas and knowledge to my own webserver just by using the browser. It was (and is) a pleasure to have a handy tool for getting ideas, knowledge and more into a webbased system. Then, somebody of my german Volkswagen Scirocco Forum ( told me that he would like to put a Scirocco knowlege base to the web. Well, PMWiki could do this and now there are nearly 4000 people coming from the forum who are able to edit all the details about this car. Nevertheless, I'm writing tips and hints to the wiki for all things of life like SecondLife, GPS systems, VoIP and much more. It's a source for all information I have in mind or maybe should remember of.

WikiHistory (

WikiHistory is an open World history online.
When I decided the World needed an open history book it was obvious to me that a wiki was the way to make it happen. After some research, PmWiki was the one that was recommended. You have no idea how happy I was when it "just worked". It was easy to install, and adding skins was simple. I love it. I hope everyone helps fill in the history now!

WikiObits (

WikiObits is an obituary site where you can write your own obit.

PmWiki is the perfect platform on which to build a medium sized wiki. I chose it in part because it does not need a SQL database so it's much less complicated to manage than others.

wikiMatze - the personal homepage of Matthias Günther

wikimatze is a page of my personal favors: Linux, Ruby, Scala, Hiking, Warhammer and of course wikis. After experiencing with many different systems out there I decided to use pmwiki because it is so easy to set up a homepage. You can understand the cutting edges of this wiki system with ease. There is much docu about every aspect of it. You can easily contribute, just click on the edit button here and change the content. If you want to create your own template - feel free to do so. There is an great community out here and if you want to write a recipe just do it right. Don't hesitate to ask something on the mailing lists you will get answers to your questions and great feedback.

Here are the recipe I'm using:

  • BlogIt? - a great piece of software to make a blog with pmwiki very easy
  • DeObMail? - save your contact address from being harvested
  • Syntaxlove? - your code examples must look sexy
  • Mini? - Petkos great tool for embedding a lightbox for your images
  • WebsiteIcon? - every page needs a nice favicon

I am a builder based in Goole, East Yorkshire and I built my website at Wilcock's Contractor's Ltd using PMwiki because I found it easier to learn than conventional website creation software and more convenient to update.

Words2u ( started as and is mainly a Costa Rica GPS wiki. The original intention was to have a section of my own data, and another for user content. As it happened, my personal part grew from tracks, bus routes and points of interest in Costa Rica, to include some trails outside the country, and the users have not contributed that much. Still, this is a collection of GPS data for Costa Rica that has no known parallel.

PmWiki helped me customize my content presentation, control access to it for writing and sometimes for reading as well. It is an outstanding program with lot of community support. I had questions answered within hours or even minutes, and was able to solve any glitch very quickly. PmWiki is easy to install, customize and maintain, has a small footprint and runs solidly even on less powerful computers. It has not crashed once since I started using it, and it responds extremely fast and renders correctly on any browser I can think of.

I am so impressed with PmWiki that I now converted to a wiki farm. I created my Food and Recipe wiki and put my recipe collection (among other things) on the site for use in the kitchen. I am currently working on a Spanish language wiki,and I intend to add more wikis as time permits.


Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • My own website for direct sales

Your Green Club

Your Green Club is a Shaklee Independent Distributor website for selling Get Clean and other ecologically-friendly products.

Teaching, Learning, and Exploration of the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

On my Web Site you will find photos, travel information, essays, and links concerning the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) by Robert Pirsig.

I needed a way to create and update my site easily with little knowledge of webpage creation or expertise HTML Code. PmWiki has served these purposes wonderfully. It is so easy to use that I keep finding new ways to add new content AND new pages. As a consequence my site just keeps on getting larger AND gets better and better!!! To easisy display a large collection of photos (~2000), I added, by a main menu link, the Web Photo Album Presenter called Gallery. It has many great features and a wonderful Slide Show. Thanks Pm for your great webpage system1!

Eclectic Tech site
by The Crisses?

  • Client started changing the site before I was done! :)

Zino Technical Services

Zino Technical Services offers PC & networking solutions on Long Island, NY. The client picked up PmWiki, asked about 3 questions, and started creating his own website content.

''' Pizarra,"La Red Social de la Educación"


Pizarra, is an educative social networks created under the Web 2,0 concept, based on communities and services that foment collaboration and information exchange taking advantage of the Wiki technology so that the pages are written by volunteer through a navigating Web. We are a participative construction space of free knowledge for self - learning and education in concrete situations, at local level, regional or national. All can participate just by creating and modifying pages with only register itself. We are looking for a transformed society thanks to a better education where Pizarra is an efficient resource to stimulate educative community to be a protagonist of their own development and innovation. From Bolivia to a Spanish Castilian speak world. Pizarra in English means slate.

Thanks so much for the well documented, easy to run and feature rich software, PmWiki has become!
I have found two interesting sources and would like to give the benefit of my experience to you.
I am tuning my pc by the best software for free, with the file search engine and May be you have your own experience and could give some useful sites too. Because this two social sites help me much.

The Pizarra Team :)

I'd just like to rave about what a beautiful piece of code PmWiki is. I'm only just beginning to realise the power of it, and the learning curve, from installing recipes, through fiddling with the CSSes and templates, to finally coding my own solutions with directives or from scratch, has been downhill all the way. That's the hallmark of an architecture that Einstein would have liked: as simple as possible but no simpler. Thanks for being gifted!

Adrian. (Website just developing.)

This list is sorted alphabetically, please add your site accordingly.


This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:SuccessStories, and a talk page: PmWiki:SuccessStories-Talk.

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