Recente Wijzigingen - Zoek:



page contains the string mappings to convert PmWiki's prompts into Traditional Chinese (UTF-8).

Other strings to be translated, including some used in previous versions of PmWiki, may be found at Localization.XLPageCookbookTemplate.

  ### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2'
  'Locale' => 'zh_TW.utf8',
  ### Time format, e.g. '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M EET'
  'TimeFmt' => '%Y/%m/%d, %I:%M',

  ### Standard layout strings
  'View' => '檢視',
  'Edit' => '編輯',
  'History' => '版本',
  'Attach' => '附件',
  'Print' => '列印',
  'Backlinks' => '逆向連結',
  'Login' => '登入',
  'Logout' => '登出',
  'Recent Changes' => '群組最近更新列表',
  'Search' => '搜尋',
  'Page last modified on {$LastModified}' => '頁面最後更新於 {$LastModified}',
  'Go' => '搜尋',
  'All Recent Changes' => '全站最近更新頁面',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_view' => '',
  # 'ak_edit' => 'e',
  # 'ak_history' => 'h',
  # 'ak_attach' => '',
  # 'ak_print' => '',
  # 'ak_backlinks' => '',
  # 'ak_logout' => '',
  # 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',

  ### PageTitle/LinkText technical pages (for full list see page Localization.Localization)
  'RecentChanges' => '群組最近更新列表',
  'AllRecentChanges' => '全站最近更新頁面',
  'GroupHeader' => '群組標頭',
  'GroupFooter' => '群組頁尾',
  'SideBar' => '側邊欄',
  'GroupAttributes' => '群組屬性',

  ### Print layout strings
  'From $WikiTitle' => '來自 $WikiTitle',
  'Retrieved from {$PageUrl}' => '文件來自 {$PageUrl}',

  ### Page locations
  '{$SiteGroup}/EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhTw/EditQuickReference',
  '{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhTw/UploadQuickReference',
  '{$SiteGroup}/Search' => 'PmWikiZhTw/Search',
  '{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound' => 'PmWikiZhTw/PageNotFound',

  ### Browse page strings
  'redirected from' => '本頁轉址自',

  ### Edit page strings
  'Editing {*$FullName}' => '編輯 {*$FullName}',
  'Save' => '存檔',
  'Save and edit' => '存檔並繼續編輯',  
  'Publish' => '發佈',
  'Save draft' => '存為草稿',
  'Save draft and edit' => '存為草稿並繼續編輯',
  'Preview' => '預覽',
  'Cancel' => '取消',
  'Reset' => '清除重寫',
  'Author' => '作者',
  'An author name is required.' => '必須填入作者',
  'Summary' => '修改摘要',
  'This is a minor edit' => '這是一個細微更新版本',
  'Preview {*$FullName}' => '預覽 {*$FullName}',
  'End of preview -- remember to save' => '預覽結束──記得存檔!',
  'Page is unsaved' => '本頁尚未存檔',
  'Top' => '回頁首',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_save' => 's',
  # 'ak_saveedit' => 'u',
  # 'ak_preview' => 'p',
  # 'ak_savedraft' => 'd',
  # 'ak_textedit' => ',',
  # 'e_rows' => '23',
  # 'e_cols' => '60',

  ### Page history strings
  '{$FullName} History' => '{$FullName} 版本更新歷程',
  'Show minor edits' => '顯示細微的更新',
  'Hide minor edits' => '隱藏細微的更新',
  'Show changes to markup' => '顯示標記語言的改變',
  'Show changes to output' => '顯示輸出樣式的改變',
  'by' => '被',
  'Restore' => '還原為原來版本',
  'Added line $DiffLines:' => '增加第 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:',
  'Added lines $DiffLines:' => '增加 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:',
  'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => '更新第 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:',
  'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => '更新 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:',
  'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => '刪除第 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:',
  'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => '刪除 $DiffLines 行,原來版本:',
  'to:' => '變更為:',

  ### Page attribute strings
  'Attributes' => '屬性',
  '{$FullName} Attributes' => '{$FullName} 屬性',
  'Set new read password:' => '設定新的讀取權限密碼:',
  'Set new edit password:' => '設定新的寫入權限密碼:',
  'Set new attribute password:' => '設定新的屬性密碼:',
  'Set new publish password:' => '設定新的發佈密碼',
  'Set new upload password:' => '設定新的上傳密碼:', 
  '(set by $PWSource)' => '(目前使用 $PWSource)',
  '(using $PWCascade password)' => '目前使用 $PWCascade 密碼',
  '(protected)' => '(需要授權)',
  'EnterAttributes' => "請在底下欄位為頁面各項屬性填入新密碼,不輸入則屬性保持原設定值。輸入'clear'清除密碼,輸入'nopass'則忽略繼承自群組或站台的設定值。其它屬性設定值則為新的密碼。",
  'The page has an "attr" attribute and cannot be deleted.' => '此頁面具有"attr" 屬性,無法被刪除。',

  ## Authorization strings
  'Name' => '使用者名稱',
  'Password' => '密碼',
  'Password required' => '請輸入密碼',
  'Name/password not recognized' => '無效的使用者名稱/密碼',

  ### Search strings
  'Search Results' => '搜尋結果',
  'SearchFor' => '<em>$Needle</em> 的搜尋結果',
  'SearchFound' => '找到 $MatchCount 個網頁,共搜尋了 $MatchSearched 個網頁。',

  ### Upload strings
  'Attachments for' => '附件檔案為',
  'File to upload:' => '上傳檔案',
  'Name attachment as:' => '檔案名稱',
  'Upload' => '上傳',
  'Uploads' => '上傳',
  'ULsuccess' => '上傳成功',
  'ULbadname' => '無效的檔案名稱',
  'ULbadtype' => "'$upext' 為不允許的副檔名",
  'ULtoobig' => '檔案太大,超過網站伺服器允許的最大值',
  'ULtoobigext' => "檔案太大,超過 '$upext' 類型最大允許值($upmax bytes)",
  'ULpartial' => '檔案上傳不完整',
  'ULnofile' => '檔案上傳失敗',
  'ULexists' => '檔案名稱重複',
  'ULpquota' => '超過群組配額',
  'ULtquota' => '超過上傳配額',

  ### GuiEdit button bar
  'Emphasized' => '斜體',
  'Emphasized (italic)' => '斜體',
  'Strong' => '粗體',
  'Strong (bold)' => '粗體',
  'Page link' => '頁面連結',
  'Link to internal page' => '內部連結',
  'link text' => '連結名稱',
  'Link to external page' => '外部連結',
  'file.ext' => '',
  'Attach file' => '附件檔',
  'Big text' => '字體放大',
  'Small text' => '字體縮小',
  'Superscript' => '上標字',
  'Subscript' => '下標字',
  'Heading' => '標題',
  'Subheading' => '副標題',
  'Center' => '置中',
  'Unordered list' => '項目符號',
  'Unordered (bullet) list' => '圓點項目符號',
  'Ordered list' => '順序列點',
  'Ordered (numbered) list' => '編號列點',
  'Indented text' => '全段縮排',
  'Hanging indent' => '首行凸排',
  'Horizontal rule' => '水平線',
  'Table' => '表格',
  # access keys
  # 'ak_em' => '',
  # 'ak_strong' => '',

  ### Others
  '(approve sites)' => '(認證連結)',
  'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => '本頁面已被管理員鎖住',
  'Address blocked from posting' => '禁止發佈位址',
  'Text blocked from posting' => '禁止發佈內容',
  'Password encryption' => '密碼加密',
  'EditConflict' => "在你編輯此頁面的同時,本頁已經被其他人修改,修改的版本合併如下,請確認合併的結果再存檔。系統無法解決的編修衝突分別用&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;和&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;分割顯示。"
  'EditWarning' => "在您編輯此頁面的同時,另一位使用者也正在編輯此頁面,若是您要繼續,您所做的更動將複寫掉其他人所做的更動。",
  'View changes' => '檢視變更',
  '?invalid page name' => '無效的頁面名稱',
  'More information' => '詳細資訊',
  "PmWiki can't process your request" => 'PmWiki無法處理您的要求',
  'We are sorry for any inconvenience' => '非常抱歉給您帶來任何不便',
  'Return to' => '回到',

  ### Deprecated
  '{$Group}/RecentChanges' => '',

  ### Historical
  'Save as draft' => '存成草稿',  
  'not found' => '找不到',
  ## pre-2.1
  'Page last modified on $LastModified' => '最後更新時間 $LastModified',
  'Editing `{$FullName}' => '編輯`{$FullName}',
  'Describe $Name here.' => '在此描述$Name',
  'Preview `{$FullName}' => '預覽 `{$FullName}',
  '$FullName History' => '$FullName 更新歷程',
  'Page Attributes' => '頁面屬性',


Bewerk - Geschiedenis - Afdrukken - Recente Wijzigingen - Zoek
Pagina laatst gewijzigd op 09 January 2022 om 07:52